All Government Agencies and Statutory Authorities are required to be insured via SAFA, unless a specific exemption has been authorised from the Treasurer.

Treasurer’s Instruction 8 (TI8) requires that any Agency seeking insurance outside of the Government’s self-insurance arrangements administered by the South Australian Government Financing Authority (SAFA), must obtain approval from the SAFA Chief Executive Officer or their delegate. The TI8 Submission Form is to be used for the submission of all approval requests prior to obtaining insurances outside of SAFA.

As part of the insurance renewal each year, SAFA requires our Agencies to complete an annual Insurance Questionnaire. This Questionnaire establishes the profile, exposures and risks of each Agency and forms the basis from which underwriting criteria is derived to calculate annual premiums charged to each Agency.

The information provided through the questionnaire process, is also compiled for SAFA's submission of the State Government's catastrophe reinsurance program.

Questionnaire Procedure

  • Each year in February the Questionnaire is sent out via email to each Agency.
  • SAFA Insurance Services allow approximately 6-8 weeks to complete, review and return the questionnaire.
  • The Questionnaire is then reviewed by your appointed Client Relationship Officer for completeness.  Any discrepancies are referred back to the Agency for clarification and update as required.
  • An Agency Agreement is then sent to each Agency following renewal on 30 June, which sets out the terms and conditions of cover along with a premium invoice for payment.

How to complete the Questionnaire

If you are the Insurance contact for your Agency and require further information on how to complete the Questionnaire, contact your assigned Client Relationship Officer or refer to the SAFA Insurance Renewal Questionnaire quick guide.

SAFA Insurance Questionnaire -  Frequently Asked Questions

  • Collecting as much information as possible about your Agency is essential to establishing your Agency’s risk profile and exposures.  The information obtained by SAFA Insurance Services is used to calculate the premium payable by your Agency for the cover provided under the SAFA Agency Agreement (Agency Agreement).

    SAFA Insurance Services also uses the data collected to model the impact of a catastrophic claim event, such as an earthquake, which contributes to calculating the value of reinsurance SAFA buys in the commercial reinsurance market.  By reinsuring catastrophic risks SAFA helps to reduce the overall cost of risk to Government and assists in protecting the State’s finances from a catastrophic loss or a number of large losses in any year.

  • Yes.  In 1994, Cabinet endorsed a proposal to establish a State Government captive insurer. In accordance with the endorsed proposal all Government Agencies and Statutory Authorities are required to be covered under the Government’s insurance arrangements via SAFA unless exempted by the Treasurer.  Any requests for exemption must be approved by the Treasurer.  This directive is still in force today.

  • The Agency Agreement is the contract of insurance cover between your Agency and SAFA.  This document sets out the terms and conditions of the cover provided.  A Certificate of Cover is also issued which sets out the deductible and the premium payable and is reviewed and reissued annually.

  • The premium paid by your Agency is its contribution towards the 'premium pool' calculated by SAFA's actuary and approved by the Treasurer annually.  The premium pool is calculated on a breakeven basis, taking into consideration the expected cost of claims and the operational expenses incurred by SAFA in the provision of insurance and risk management services to the State and the placement of the catastrophic reinsurance program in the commercial market.

  • Premiums charged to Agencies for the insurance cover provided under the Agency Agreement are calculated on an annual basis.

    For the 2023-24 policy year SAFA will continue to use the premium allocation model to calculate the premiums that are charged to Agencies for the cover provided under the Agency Agreement.

    The premium allocation model looks at the type of risks and exposures associated with the business of your Agency, the deductible your Agency has selected and takes into account the following factors:

    • the types of insurance cover provided by the Agency Agreement;
    • the number and value of claims your Agency has made for each type of cover in previous years; and
    • your Agency’s proportion of the total declared value of insurable risk across Government.

    Once this information has been put into the premium allocation model, the model calculates what portion of the premium pool SAFA is required to charge your Agency in order to achieve the overall breakeven premium that has been recommended by SAFA's actuary to cover the cost of claims and operational expenses for the relevant policy year.

  • The deductible is the first amount of any claim that must be paid by the insured Agency before SAFA Insurance covers the loss.  It is essentially the amount of each and every claim that your Agency ‘self-insures’.

    Your Agency’s deducible amount is agreed with SAFA Insurance Services and takes into consideration the size of your Agency, the value of assets insured, the type of work being performed and your Agency’s appetite for self-insuring its risks.

  • Yes, provided your Agency’s completed Questionnaire is submitted before the due date and you have selected ‘yes’ in the section of the Questionnaire that asks for deductible options.

    When considering if your Agency would like to change the amount of deductible it pays, be aware that a larger deductible will typically result in a lower premium and a smaller deductible will typically result in a higher premium.   It is however, important to understand that a larger deductible increases the value of risk self-insured by your Agency.  That is, in the event of a claim your Agency will need to make a larger contribution towards the loss.

  • SAFA Insurance will pay the replacement or reinstatement value of the assets your Agency declares in the annual Questionnaire.  Note that in the event of a loss, SAFA's liability to your Agency will not exceed the values you have declared.

    In order to ensure full coverage for your Agency’s assets it is important that the values for assets declared under your Agency Agreement are reviewed frequently.  For agencies with assets vulnerable to weather events, consideration should be given to the impact of climate change when valuing those assets.

  • RiskConsole is a live system which means that all of your Agency’s asset information that was included in the previous renewal period is in the system, ready for you to update where required.

    You can log into RiskConsole and print the Questionnaire without completing any of the fields by applying the following steps:

    1. Go into Section 12-Finalisation by clicking ‘View’.
    2. Scroll to the heading ‘Print’.
    3. Click on the link and press print, which will provide you with the current information that was included in the last renewal.

    Please note that if your Agency maintains more than thirty (30) records per insurance class (i.e. 03-Assets/Property &/or 05-Motor Vehicle/Mobile Plant) we recommend that you contact SAFA Insurance Services rather than trying to review and update the data within RiskConsole. In these circumstances, SAFA Insurance Services will provide you with an excel spreadsheet(s) detailing the assets your Agency declared in the previous policy year for you to review and update.

  • Yes, all assets must be declared. This information is required to assist SAFA in arranging the State Government’s catastrophe reinsurance program and to provide cover to the Agency for repair and removal of debris costs relating to assets not being replaced.

  • No.  Vehicles leased from SAFA's Fleet Division and/or vehicles you have elected to cover under the Commercial Motor Fleet Insurance Policy arranged by SAFA Insurance Services are not to be included in the Questionnaire you declare for your Agency.

    All other Motor Vehicles and Mobile Plant, including Motor Vehicle Accessories/Modifications, owned by your Agency or leased/rented by your Agency for which you have a contractual obligation to insure should be declared in the Questionnaire and any claims will be subject to your Agency's selected deductible.

  • Provided you have not submitted your Questionnaire to SAFA Insurance Services such amendments can be made by simply going into the Questionnaire and following these steps:

    1. Choose the section that you want to update the value for (i.e. 03-Assets/Property) by clicking on the ‘View’ button. This will open the Asset/Property section.
    2. Choose the ‘Property’ tab at the top of the web page and your Agency’s list of properties will then appear.
    3. Select the ‘Filter’ key that appears at the right of the screen. This will take you to the search engine page where you can search for the property or asset using various criteria such as the Property Number or your Agency Reference Number.
    4. Once you have located the relevant property or asset ensure the ‘Status’ radio button is highlighted as ‘Active’.
    5. Proceed to scroll down the page until you see a table with the header ‘Please update the replacement value in the grid below’.
    6. Update the value in the replacement value cell for the relevant category of Building, Contents, Plant or Equipment.

    Please note that if your Agency maintains more than thirty (30) records per insurance class (i.e. 03-Assets/Property) a separate report in the form of an excel spreadsheet is the best method of updating such information. Please consult with SAFA Insurance Services should this apply to your Agency.

  • No. There is a separate SA Government Corporate Travel Policy in place to provide cover to Agency employees on authorised business trips. We will liaise with your Agency closer to the renewal date (30th November each year) to obtain the information required to renew the policy. Going forward from the 2022/23 renewal, the premium will be apportioned via the Agency Agreement invoicing following renewal in June each year.

  • There is no need for SAFA Insurance Services to be advised of each trip, however, it is advisable to contact your Client Relationship Officer if there is any personal travel involved by the employee or the trip involves a large group of travellers.

  • Network Security and Privacy (Cyber) insurance covers your Agency for certain costs and liabilities arising through the unauthorised access by a third party to your Agency’s computer system. It covers the Agency for claims arising from:


    • Business interruption/loss of income following a security event
    • Costs of notifying customers/clients following a breach of security or privacy event
    • Forensic investigation costs to engage a consultant to investigate the cause of a breach
    • Costs in restoring corrupted or destroyed data
    • Costs to meet, mitigate or end an extortion threat
    • Costs to investigate the cause of an extortion event

    Third Party

    • Breach of personal information
    • Breach of corporate information
    • Outsourcing liability
    • Data security liability
    • Media content liability
    • Defence costs
  • We suggest that you liaise with your IT specialist/support area, finance section and the section of your Agency with responsibility for business continuity in completing this part of the Questionnaire.

    You may find it beneficial to coordinate a meeting attended by the appropriate people from these areas to discuss and formulate your Agency’s responses to this section of the Questionnaire.

    Any further enquiries can be directed to your Client Relationship Officer.

  • If you have received an email from Ventiv (, it’s because you have been allocated a login to RiskConsole, which is the system SAFA uses to collect the Questionnaire data, create policies and manage claims under the Agency Agreement.  Ventiv is the IT vendor that provides RiskConsole to SAFA.

  • Are you a new user to RiskConsole? If you are new and need to have a login to RiskConsole, please contact the SAFA Insurance Service team to arrange this for you. Once your login is created, you will receive an email from ‘’ with your username and temporary password which allows you to login and create your own password.


    Are you an existing user of RiskConsole? If you are an existing user and need your password reset, please contact either the SAFA Insurance Service team or  Once your password has been reset or reactivated, you will receive an email from ‘’ with your username and a temporary password which will allow you to login and change your password.

  • Google Chrome is the preferred browser for RiskConsole, however if you are unable to use Google Chrome see below for other supported browsers:

    • Internet Explorer 11
    • Safari for Mac v7 and higher
    • Microsoft Edge

    If you are still experiencing trouble, please email for assistance.

  • It is essential that your password remains confidential and is only used by yourself.  If you require other users to access the Questionnaire for your Agency, please contact either your Client Relationship Officer or email

  • You have approximately 6-8 weeks to complete the Questionnaire.  A specific date will be given each year.

    If you are unable to complete and submit the Questionnaire by this date, please contact your Client Relationship Officer.

  • Yes.  You can enter and exit the Questionnaire as many times as you wish.  Ensure prior to exiting any section you press the “Save Record” icon at the top of the page.

    Once you complete Section 12-Finalisation by selecting “Yes” to Submit Finalised Questionnaire you will be unable to edit the Questionnaire any further.